
Cookie policy

Information on the use of cookies

A cookie is a small text file exchanged between an internet site and your browser and normally used by the internet site manager to memorize the information needed to improve navigation within the site.

When you visit our website, we may collect some information such as: IP address, the browser you are using. If you use a mobile device, we may also collect data about your device, its settings. We may also collect information about you and your preferences.

The data collected is used and shared by us for:
1) Registration: your personal data is used to complete and manage your online registration and communicated to third parties closely connected to your purchase.

2) Assistance: your data is shared with the staff/customer assistance service for all your needs related to the purchase made.

3) Marketing activities: within the limits permitted by law, we use your information to send you news about products or services that may be of interest to you. At any time you can decide to disable the receipt of marketing communications using the appropriate link.

4) Other types of communications: depending on the type of contact you have shared with us, we may contact you by email, post, telephone or text message for
- manage your subscription
- send you reminders for completing a reservation/purchase
- send you an invitation to express your opinion on the service/purchase made
- send you material that could be useful to you in using the service/purchase

5) Market research: the personal information you provide us will only be used with your permission.

6) Fraud Prevention and Detection: We may use the information you provide to us to detect and prevent fraud or other illegal activity.

7) Improvement of services: your data is used by us to improve our services and the functionality and quality of our site.

If you do not agree with this information, please do not use our services.

Navigation cookies

These cookies allow the site to function properly. After creating the account, they allow you to log in and manage your profile in all its areas (session identifier cookies, timestamps). If you are a registered user, thanks to cookies the site will be able to recognize you as such when you access the services offered to registered users.

Functional cookies

These cookies allow the site to recognize you every time you access the site. If you have chosen to add items to your cart and you will not delete them, closing the session without making a purchase, these cookies will allow you to receive emails with details of your cart and ad hoc promotional codes and also allow you to offer a service better and customized as an example it is generated if the user no longer wants to view the email capture popup, or if he has left a comment on the blog or on an article, or remember the vote for an article.

Cookie Analytics

Our pages use third-party performance cookies from Google Analytics (a service offered by Google, Inc.) to allow us to anonymously collect and examine visitor behavior while using the site and to improve its usability and user experience. Through the use of the Google Analytics panel, it is possible for us to understand if the visits have been made by new or returning visitors by checking how the pages are navigated. For further information relating to Google Analytics it is possible to consult the sites:

Google policies

Google cookie usage

It is possible to disable the action of Google Analytics through the tools provided by Google. For information on this, consult the website:

Google tools

Cookie social

These cookies are used to remember any sharing or your action on the site (for example "Like" on an article): YouTube








Transitional Cookies

These cookies are used through automated systems without the intervention of an operator (art.13 2009/136/EC) for the purpose of direct marketing of their products or services, and are only allowed to users registered on the site.

Advertising cookies

Advertising cookies are installed to show site visitors content related to their preferences. They can therefore be used to show advertising content targeted to the interests of the person. Cookies of this type work in collaboration with third-party sites and can keep track of past navigation on pages on different domains. Cookies of this type usually track the user's IP address as well as other information, some of which may be personal. These companies may recognize or place a specific cookie on your computer or mobile device. They are also used to limit the frequency with which an advertisement is served to you, as well as to help measure the effectiveness of an advertising campaign. They remember that you have visited a site and this information is shared with other organisations, such as advertising companies. Using the Ads Settings, visitors can disable Google Analytics for display advertising and customize ads for the Google Display Network.


AdSense and AdMob

Marketing cookies

These cookies are used by third-party vendors who allow you to display banner ads on other affiliated sites, showing you the latest products you've looked at on the site. To carry out this promotional activity, we use both proprietary cookies (such as the Google Analytics cookie) and third-party cookies.

Disable cookies

Most browsers are configured to accept cookies. However, most browsers allow you to control and even disable cookies through your browser settings. However, we remind you that disabling navigation or functional cookies can cause the site to malfunction and/or limit the service offered by this site.

The main browsers can be set to prevent cookies from being accepted. However, disabling cookies can lead to navigation difficulties or, sometimes, the inability to use some features of the Site.

To ensure greater transparency and convenience, the reference web addresses for the support of the manufacturers of the major browsers are shown below.






Safari mobile

Windows phone


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